Turn Left @ Heaven

or; how I learned to stop worrying and love the dong

Sunday, December 04, 2005


well well - winter has only just begun and we have all ready seen our first deluge (well a deluge as far as aussie standards go). In the early hours of this morning we saw the first snow flakes of the season and making this officially the third time I have seen snow. The snow came down steadily as we watched from one inside of our local bars.

After a few hours the parked cars had a thick covering of snow; we decided to walk around the corner and see how the snow had affected the rest of the dong. A few short hours of snow had absolutely transformed Dongchundang park into a snow covered asian winter wonderland. At around 1:30-2 o'clock Alwyn, John-teacher, and I were lucky enough to be
amongst the first to see it - untouched. It was awesome. We also managed to get in a snowball fight with a bunch of the local young ladies. We took loads of pics but unfortunately they all didn't come out as well as we would have hoped.

Today, A decent build up of snow has remained. We wandered down to the park to get some photos by daylight. It was cool to see the kids out sledding and building
snowmen, and while some of the snow had disapated the park was still a spectacular sight.

So, it certainly is beginning to look a lot like a northern hemispherical christmas. In fact, in the time that it took me to write this post snow has started to fall snow outside our window.
(We're not in Kansas anymore, Toto)


  • At 12:48 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    hey, so you're still in Korea? and you are from Australia?
    well, im stick to your blog, keep it up!
    im always wanting to spent some years abroad, so.. we'll see

  • At 7:02 am, Blogger Mike said…

    dude only the 3rd time in your life you have seen snow...



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