Turn Left @ Heaven

or; how I learned to stop worrying and love the dong

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Greetings Earthlings, this weekend just gone marked the 6 month point of our contract and our half way mark in Korea. The time seems to have passed by so quickly, yet it feels like we have been here for an eternity at the same time. I've already forgotten what its like to walk down the street and understand what people are saying around me, and what its like to be in a country where a parking space is not defined as a place that a car can be physically crammed into (including, but not limited to, corners, intersections, and footpaths). From what I've been told once you reach the halfway point, its all downhill.

This week has also seen the inevitable cold change in the weather that this Aussie has been dreading. Yes, winter is on its way folks. So basically what that means to you, the faithful donger, you will see a lot more posts on this page from myself as it will be to cold to leave my flat when I'm not working, unfortunately there's a strong possibility that these posts will comprise of nothing more than yours truly whinging about the cold. Enjoy.

- T


  • At 10:26 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I know what you mean about time flying. I've been here for three months and it hardly seems like it could possibly be that long. Each week hurtles past, and the most common phrase heard in our house on a tuesday is "Is it garbage day again already? Where did the week go?"

    And yes, winter is officially here. Not that I feel like I ever left it. Aus winter followed by UK winter, and the four or five months until I will feel warm weather again seems like an eternity away.

    Although, as we have just established, time hurtles. So maybe it wont be that long after all...

    Have fun, enjoy the snow!


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