Turn Left @ Heaven

or; how I learned to stop worrying and love the dong

Friday, October 28, 2005

Top of the morning to everyone - today is a fine day in the dong. Well its a little overcast outside but this morning our kindergarten students have gone to a halloween party at Korea's premier theme park Everland. So instead of listening to 5 year olds talking about Pacrucky man and Bobby Boo, and being up to my neck in coloring and small fiddly bits of cut up paper I spent my morning sleeping in and downloading 80's music - I'll be strolling up to work at the nice old time of 2:50PM. To that I say Ding Dong!

This next part is from Darko's blog, who stole it from Meg's blog, who stole it from somebody elses blog - and in the spirit of good ol' online theft I will continue - the idea is to google your name and "needs"- so I typed in "Troy needs":

Troy needs Guitar and Bass.
Troy needs a costume for Halloween!
Troy Needs Prozac!
Troy needs to switch shampoo brands.
Troy needs your help!!
Troy needs vindication
'Troy' needs more mythology
Troy needs to be read and is anxiously awaiting your comments and advice. (It's true)

Alwyn needs grilling for this
Alwyn needs to wear a tux.
Alwyn needs help in figuring the positions of the stars on Saturday night.
Alwyn’s body needs fixing

Try it and leave the results in the comments section.

While your on google try typing in "failure" and hitting the "I'm feeling lucky" button. Alwyn happened along this one - its pretty funny.

Funny website - www.liquidgeneration.com

Funny toon - How pregnancy happens - made by the planned parenthood foundation in America

Funny Dubya Movies - "Bush Speaks"

"Gay Bar"

The last two movies are from www.spikedhumor.com - This is a website has some very funny movies on it, but some of the stuff on there is not for the faint of heart - you've been warned.


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