Turn Left @ Heaven

or; how I learned to stop worrying and love the dong

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Happy Pepero Day
Today is a special day in Korea.
In homes, schools, and workplaces across the country, countless people are giving their loved ones a delicious baked treat. Why? To show them that they love them.
But what is Pepero Day? According to Wikipedia, Pepero Day is a holiday in South Korea similar to Valentine's Day or Sweetest Day in the West. It is named after the Korean snack food Pepero, and is celebrated on November 11, since the date "11/11" looks like four sticks of Pepero.
To read more about Pepero Day click here
Pepero is basically a thin pastry stick that either has chocolate on it or in it. Troy was lucky enough to recieve some Pepero from one of his students!!! They are actually quite delicious!
So, now you know all about Pepero Day, you have no excuses...go out there and join the commercial bandwagon, and go by some Pepero - and show someone how much you love them!


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