Turn Left @ Heaven

or; how I learned to stop worrying and love the dong

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Apart from myself being a little under the weather this week, all has been well in the dong of late.
Work has been keeping extremely busy - it seems our school has been getting more and more students as each month goes by. Which is great for the director of our hagwon (school) but unfortunately it means our schedules are getting more and more packed with classes as each month passes. On the bright side the past few weeks have seen the temperatures rise to an almost bearable level.

We are approaching the lunar new year holiday, in Korea it's called Seol-nal, which means next weekend will be a four day weekend - WOOHOO to that. Our original plan was to jump on a plane and check out Beijing for the lunar/Chinese new year period, but we later decided that its too cold for travelling and trekking across Great Walls. So instead we've have opted for staying at home, cooking a curry and watching movies. Although I really do hope to see Beijing and the rest of China someday - unfortunately It may not be on this trip.

Tonight will be the farewell of my good friend and everyone's favourite Bosnian, Darko J, along with his lovely lady Jess from Australia's shores as they embark on a European Vacation I'm sure be so mind-blowingly spectacular and crazy that even Clark Griswold would be jealous. To make it doubley important tomorrow is Darko's birthday. The day of my last birthday Darko was kind enough to give me an awesome birthday acknowledgement, and today I would like to return the favour. So to Darko, my former ghettomate - the super cock-rocking Bosnian Kiwi Aussie Motherf***er, the king of the chubb blue undies and facial hair, and the man who put the MAN in MANGINA. Ding dong to you my friend - I have to be honest I'm sad that I'm not gonna see you when I return but I at the same time I am so happy for you and Jess. So - Cheers to Darko, the only man who I could convince to grow a handlebar mustache and to strut his underwear clad arse on a stage in front of his brand new girlfriend (on separate occasions), you're the king - we've shared many a late night together at the pub, or in front of the Playstation, and hope to spent many more. I would give anything to be partying with you guys tonight but all I can do is say farewell, Bon Voyage, Good Luck and Happy Birthday - I know you 'll have a ball.

Have a drink for me,

-T (Bone)


  • At 4:34 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Cheers Bone, the message was fantastic. Wish you two were at the party, however I was that hammered, for all I know you were. Anyway, we'll keep in touch, Jess says hi and Davor says thanks for the Bday happy wishes and all that. Peace out Ghettobird!


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