Turn Left @ Heaven

or; how I learned to stop worrying and love the dong

Sunday, July 10, 2005

July 10th, 2005 - Day 54
It has been a while since I posted, so I thought it was time I regaled you with more fantastic tales from the land of crazy sunvisors and kimchi. Okay, well yesterday was Alwyn's Birthday she turned a quarter of a century. The day consisted of starbucks coffee, italian food, cheap korean beer and Karaoke. We spent the day shopping and looking at the "Jung-Ang" market - which is Daejeon's traditional Korean market, mostly food and clothing. It was really cool, but unfortunately it was pissing down rain and it is an outdoor market. Next time we go I will try and get some photos for the blog.

The highlight of the day was our late night Karaoke session at our local Norebang (Korean for karaoke room). Featuring renditions of familiar hit songs that we all know and love, including but not limited to Lionel Richie's Three times a lady, The theme to Footloose and Flashdance, Fly me to the moon, Sex bomb, Nirvana's Lithium, Marilyn Manson's Disposable Teens, 50 cent's In Da Club and Outkast's Miss Jackson (slowed down to 3/4 speed). Definate highlights of the set would be a rockin' performance of Robert Palmer's bad case of loving you, and a moving interpretation of Paranoid Android by myself. What adds to the whole experience is the fact that you get a score at the end of the performance - I earned myself a 100% thanks to my roof-raising performance of Helter Skelter.

I could go on forever about the good times to be had at your local Norebang, but I will leave it at that. Not much else to report really apart from working I have been spending my time downloading and watching cartoons and various sitcoms from the 1980's and 90's. I watched the movie The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou today, another quirky offbeat comedy from Wes Anderson.

Surprise, Surprise the cast includes Owen Wilson and Bill Murray. It was pretty cool, Bill Murray was awesome, but I think I have to watch it again to fully appreciate it. I also watched the Get Shorty sequel - Be Cool - which was terrible. It had its moments (Andre 3000 was awesome, and the Rock as a gay bodyguard) but it wasn't half the movie shorty was. Well thats my two sense anyway.

Before I go has anyone noticed that Alf sounds exactly like Keanu Reeves. Check it out - its true.

Until next time- Ding Dong


P.S. I saw an ad on the side of a bus yesterday, I think it was for an insurance company, that said "Ding Dong my happy life" on it. If you don't get that - nevermind.


  • At 12:36 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…


    I'm going to miss you guys, but I'm glad you got this blog so I can get your latest take on korea. You might be getting a phone call very late one of these days asking where a singing room is. But don't be angry, it's your calling, you are The Super Noreh Navigator!!!



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