Turn Left @ Heaven

or; how I learned to stop worrying and love the dong

Sunday, June 26, 2005

39 Days in - June 26, 2005. - Hi Troy again, just throught I'd let you all know how everything is going for us over here. Everything seems to be fine - except the weather is stinking hot and humid as f**k. Okay so 39 days is a while so I've got a lot of catching up to do. Let me start with the plane ride over- we watched Lemony Snicket which was awesome - after the 10 and a half hour journey we get off the plane expecting to go though customs and quarantine and whatnot - instead we walk out a door and next thing I know I'm eating Maccas (McDonalds for those non Aussies who may stumble across this site) with my recruiter. Anyways after the flight we had to get on a bus for another 3 hours (fun!). So it was about midnight and we got to the motel only to find out that it was a "lovin'" motel. When the director turned on the TV to show us how to use it there was an excellent display of the local pornography showing - excellent initiation.

Anyways - since then we have been extremely busy at work we work from 10am-7:30pm but with planning its more like 9-8, but its not so bad the kids are cool in an insane sort of a way. Especially the kindergarten kids, you will find out more about them as the blog continues. So - Korea... whats it like? Apart from getting stared at all the time by people in passing cars, who seem to think we can't seem them , and the whole language barrier thing, its kinda cool.

There are so many "little differences" from home that I have quite enjoyed. "Example" Not only can can go into any convenience store and purchase am alcoholic beverage (which are ridiculously cheap), there are tables and chairs so you can sit out the front and drink beer there 24/7 if you like, and if you do want to goto a bar it stays open till you decide to leave - bad idea, I need that 3 o'clock its time to go home call. Also they eat spaghetti bolognaise with chopsticks not a pretty site. On the darker side (or browner side) of the whole little difference from home thing one thing that it not so enjoyable is instead of flushing your used toilet paper down the toilet you place it in a bin next to the toilet. Disgusting.

Okay that comes close to bringing you up to speed - well not really I left a fair bit out but I will catch up in future posts. Bye for now and keep smiling - T


  • At 2:07 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Ding Dong!


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