Turn Left @ Heaven

or; how I learned to stop worrying and love the dong

Thursday, February 23, 2006


There was a time when I spent my Wednesday nights partying til the wee hours - not anymore. I don't know if its the pressure of work getting to me or just that I am just a sad bastard, but I spent all night last night meticulously arranging small piles of gifts for a group of 6 year-old children (consisting of a freddo frog chocolate, an Australian 5 cent peice, various stickers & a starburst fruit chew) in honour of their graduation to elementary school. As if that wasn't enough, I took time out to draw them each little picture with a little goodbye message. So yes, this job has finally sent me absolutely and totally barking mad.

I take solice in the fact that they loved the presents. The graduation ceremony is tomorrow its sure to be the event of the season. I'll post photos

Till next time,

- T


  • At 10:52 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Ahh troy...so very proud of you. that small gesture will probably go unforgotten by those kids. i was a little disappointed however at the lack of chubb merch included in their gradution gifts. come on man...gotta start em young! no one is too young for a chubb...(i hope no one gets hurt from that commment)
    well i'll be seeing u quite soon...and weds nights and most other nights in between might just be filled with goodness like the nights of old.

    fouf lannons


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