Turn Left @ Heaven

or; how I learned to stop worrying and love the dong

Monday, February 27, 2006

The Class of '06

The graduation was a short and sweet ceremony. Most of it was in Korean so we didn't understand much. The definate highlight of the day was Matthew, from John-teacher's class who came dressed in a very snappy suit. The kids have now moved onto elementary school, so now we'll be teaching our new kindergarten classes as of this Thursday. I have a class with only 2 four year olds in it, who don't speak english and will be crying for there mummies' - fantastic. Anyways here are some photos from graduation and the rest of the day - including Alwyn's class pigging out on ice cream. Enjoy.

Thursday, February 23, 2006


There was a time when I spent my Wednesday nights partying til the wee hours - not anymore. I don't know if its the pressure of work getting to me or just that I am just a sad bastard, but I spent all night last night meticulously arranging small piles of gifts for a group of 6 year-old children (consisting of a freddo frog chocolate, an Australian 5 cent peice, various stickers & a starburst fruit chew) in honour of their graduation to elementary school. As if that wasn't enough, I took time out to draw them each little picture with a little goodbye message. So yes, this job has finally sent me absolutely and totally barking mad.

I take solice in the fact that they loved the presents. The graduation ceremony is tomorrow its sure to be the event of the season. I'll post photos

Till next time,

- T

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

For those who only keep in contact with us through the blog, I thought I should post to let you know that we are still alive and well.
We have had a few 'shitty weeks' at work lately...but not all is bad. Here are somethings that are great at the moment!
The weather has been warming slightly - roughly between 1c and 13c.
We have been out with our friends a few times to see one of their bands play.
We have watched a whole heap of movies - Good Night and Good Luck, BrokeBack Mountain, Capote, Jarhead, and we just finished watching the last movie in the Dirty Harry series!
We went out for Outback Steak House on Saturday...that was delicious, as was the nice little Italian Restaurant we went to for Valentines day.
This Friday is Graduation!!!
Stay tuned for a post and photos about that.

Below are some recent photos I have taken.Not that you can really see him all that well...the guy in the blue shirt is George. He's the guy Troy replaced when we came to Korea.

This is Dan and Greer - our friends from NZ...and from over the road!And no post would be complete without a photo of your's truely!

Hope everyone who reads this has a great week!

Monday, February 06, 2006

It's back......
Just when we thought it was starting to finally warm up, the cold weather has come back with a vengence. On the weekend we had a low of -18c!
This morning, I woke up to find the following outside our apartment window...

When is it going to end???